Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dr. Stragelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Essay

â€Å"Dr. StrangeLove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb† was coordinated by Stanley Kubrick in 1964. Contemptuousness and parody are utilized commonly in this film. Genuine occasions are regularly depicted softly or made clever. A case of this is where Mandrake finds the codes to review the planes, yet doesn’t have the perfect measure of progress decide on the payphone. The entire world relies upon whether he decides, however all the crowd does is shake their heads and grin. This is a case of contemptuousness in light of the fact that the circumstance is critical, yet the individuals don’t appear to be stressed or ready to help. Dark cleverness was utilized in the schene in the plane where Major Kong stops to put on his cattle rustler cap. I thought this was a case of dark silliness too on the grounds that as opposed to accomplishing something different increasingly profitable, he chooses to go put on his cowhand cap. Another case of dark silliness is the point at which they discover lipstick and biting gum in the military endurance pack. The utilization of dark diversion makes the tone of this film be clever with a bleak, genuine suggestion. Numerous parts are interesting, however then you recollect this depends on genuine occasions and things individuals were really frightened of happening once. A case of incongruity in Dr. StrangeLove is when there is a dogfight between two American soldiers, and a sign that says â€Å"Peace is our Profession† is appeared. At that point the General advises his soldiers to â€Å"shoot first and pose inquiries later†. This is away from of incongruity in light of the fact that the sign says harmony, yet there is battling. Another case of incongruity is the point at which the General was easygoing about putting the base on lockdown. There could be an atomic war breaking out, however he doesn’t appear to be stressed by any means. The utilization of incongruity causes the tone of this film to have a deriding tone. My preferred scene in the film was when General Ripper is conversing with Mandrake about water. He tells Mandrake â€Å"on no record will a commie ever drink water†, that they just beverage vodka. I like it since I discover the speculations the General makes entertaining, and how he props up endlessly about water without truly having a point. I think Kubrik’s reason recorded as a hard copy this film was to represent the possibility of common devastation. The film accomplished this, and furthermore let individuals giggle about an undeniable and unnerving circumstance.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exclusive Online Store for Kids Essay Sample free essay sample

Get bringing down up an online shop totally for childs has top of the line concern power. Kuwait as of now has an overplus of online shops covering with food markets. takeout supplement. corsage blossoms. electronic buyer sturdy goodss. registering machines. inside decorator vesture and accessories. Henceforth. get bringing down another site to compete in concentrated areas is non simple. It would non just take a bunch of clasp and assets. in any case, other than includes a higher danger of the worry dismissing. In this way. developing a kids’ online shop brings down hazard since there is basically no opposition in the segment. The site can offer toys fitting to the children’s age gathering and associations. It can sell toys like dolls. prepackaged games. building sets. bicycle and skateboards. Another region would offer writing material focuses, for example, pencils. pens. colourising units. earth packs. picture apparatuses and colored pencils which would help uplift inventiveness of the childs. The site can other than offer computer game consoles and game rubrics to keep up childs engaged. By providing far reaching inside informations about the games. guardians can do educated picks to buy games suitable for their children. It can other than hold a different development for books such animation strips. faery stories. test books. instructive books each piece great as synergistic CD-ROMs to additionally larning. Similarly far as vesture and accessories are concerned. the site can hold a different development for male childs and misss. The online store could other than spread with uncommon cocoas and nibble focuses which are once in a while found in neighborhood markets. Target Audience The site would mostly engage guardians with occupied work motivation. It could help them pass cut with childs. while other than rescuing the clasp and assets spent on sing a physical childs store. The focuses sold would be sold at profoundly reasonable money related qualities. The site ought to other than do it clear that guardians or an adult’s nearness is superbly irreplaceable to do while shopping on the web. To bring through this. the site needs to find a way to check that the individual doing the buy is grown-up. This measure would ensure that the organization keeps up certain moral models. by non leting childs to excursion cash without parent’s assent. Family members or family unit companions staying abroad can other than direct endowments to childs on vital events. in this way helping to connect the topographical separation. The merchandise bought online could be conveyed for nothing. on the off chance that the bringing reference is inside reasonable propinquity. Web architecture The site ought to be planned in such a way, that is engaging childs each piece great as simple to use for the guardians. All within informations refering to the toys would be given in thing and live talk backing would other than be given to go to any worries. All the stocks sold on the site would hold high-goals visual pictures and a nexus to the product’s creator site each piece great. Incorporating 3D form of stocks can help customers to gain a superior vibe of the product before buying it. The site can other than hold a synergistic development with games and rivalries offering alluring honors to victors. accordingly promising childs to see the site all the more as often as possible. Elevating customers to form reappraisals about the stocks they purchased would help different customers comprehend the product better and do more shrewd picks. The main finish of the site is to work as a stage to pass decision family unit cut. by facilitating an issue free shopping experience for childs each piece great guardians. The site ought to other than hold a solid privateness strategy and assurance the most elevated security standards to pick up customer trust and respect. Rehash concern can be energized by introducing client unwaveringness plans. Client collaboration and input ought to be urged and taken genuinely to increase the shopping experience. in order to do it each piece close as conceivable to true shopping. This can be cultivated by incorporating a treatment gathering in the site for customers to exchange considerations and clear up their inquiries among different customers. Promotion Promotion on kids’ sites, for example, wager oning sites. cultural systems administration entrances and of children’s web logs would pass on in rush hour gridlock from the correct segment. Since the site is predominantly giving to customers in Kuwait. it would do detect to pitch in kids’ segment in nearby papers and especially children’s animation strips. During the dispatch of the site. freebees can be offered to a constrained figure of visitants for enlisting. This would make a bombilation on the Internet and in this way drive more customers to see the site. The store could other than mate with a few neighborhood exchange names to make special offers and value decreases. which could elevate individuals to take the site over a regular toy store. Other than. publicizing the site with a â€Å"No requests asked Return-policy† inside a specified clasp period other than assists with determining customer confirmation. This assists with pulling customers who are typically disinclined to shop online to determine confirmation in buying stocks on the site. Viva-voce promotion has ever been a solid way of notice. Subsequently. dealing with customers amiably and doing their shopping experience a paramount loosened would ensure that customers converse with others about it. in this way pulling new customers. Despite the fact that banding together with a kid’s Television station includes a bunch of contributing. it can other than deliver huge results. Thus. this measure can be actualized at a ulterior stage. once the worry augmentations some evaluation of stableness. A part of the overall gains could other than be added to help kids in creating states. accordingly convey throughing cultural obligations of an association. This would other than help with bettering the exchange name picture of the site and in twist draw in more customers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Last Three Months of College Application Season

The Last Three Months of College Application Season What to do During the Last Three Months of College Application Season What to do During the Last Three Months of College Application Season This is it. The final stretch. The final frontier. You’re just a few short months away from kissing your college applications goodbye forever. It’s exciting, isn’t it? Or maybe it’s stressful. Whatever you’re feeling right now, dear applicants, it’s important to remember that, while the end is nigh, it isn’t here yet. So, if you’ve already started planning what you’ll do with all your extra time, get your head back in the game so you can finish strong. And if you’ve been a ball of stress, take a deep breath and remember that you still have time to get everything done. To help you, we’ve mapped out what you’ll need to get done (and the order you need to do it) for the next three months. OCTOBER: Polish up your early application(s)! Ah, October, the scariest month of the year. Most early deadlines fall between October 15 and November 1, so use this month to focus specifically on finishing up the applications for your early application schools. Make sure to proofread, and submit at least 24 hours before the actual deadline. NOVEMBER: Polish up your regular applications! (Yes, everyone.) Eeeeven if you submitted an early application or two (or five), and eeeeven if you’re pretty sure you’ll get into your first choice EA school, your applications are officially out of your hands. All you can control, at this point, is your contingency plan. Chances are, you’ll be able to re-purpose some of the writing you did for your early applications for other schools in other applications. Just imagine future you in the worst case scenario: scrambling to pull 20 essays together three days before the deadline. Doesn’t prepping those regular decision apps early feel like a smart move? DECEMBER: Hit submit! Proofread. Make sure everything is appropriately entered on the Common App and any other electronic submission systems you need to deal with. Submit at least 24 hours before the deadline. Do a little dance. Sleep until 2017. You did it. And when you need help, turn to College Essay Academy. Or contact us for some last minute one-on-one advising! About Rebecca SemenetzView all posts by Rebecca Semenetz »

Friday, May 22, 2020

Land Freight Industry Analysis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1740 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Logistics Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? 2. Analysis 2.1 Industry 2.1.1 Land Freight Industry Land freight industry is an industry which is all about transportation of goods on the land or road from one destination to another destination. Goods that are transported can be light items such as cotton and wool, small item such as button and paper clips and it can also be large item such as individual parts of some machines or it can be heavy item such as cements, sand, rocks and so on. Every day, we can see many types of trucks on road and highway carrying lots of goods depends on the truck size. Different size and height of a truck will decide the weight and size for the goods to be transported. The mainly products that are transported daily are dry foods, fresh food and vegetables, flowers and plants, packet or parcel, print products, textiles, building materials, raw materials for manufacture and so on. Usually the trucks will combine with sea, rail and air freight when there are international s hipments orders. 2.1.2 Analysis tools Types of shipment Under land freight industry, it is usually in the domestic shipping which mean it only transport or carry goods from one place to another within the same country. When the logistician received order from the customer, they will load the goods on the truck and sent it to the destination that customer requested. During the transportation process, it involved trucks and roads only and able to transport the goods by using roads from one state to another state within a country. Today, many land freight industry had already expanded and had the international shipping which sometimes using the bridge to cross among nations such as Malaysia to Singapore. Or else, logistician will have to consider about combination of land freight with air or sea freight in order for shipping the goods to the other nation in what we called international shipping. For example, when Malaysia needs to ship some goods to Korea or U.S, they canno t just depends on trucks but they will need to use either ship or plane in order to ship the goods across the sea between two nations. Types of Trucks As we know that, the main transportation vehicles in land freight industry are trucks. In Malaysia, there are several types of trucks categorised under 3 categories which are small trucks, medium trucks and heavy trucks. Under the small trucks category, there are mini trucks, pick-up trucks which is trucks with an open-top, rear cargo area at the back, panel trucks which are windowless trucks with no backseat, Cutaway van which is usually used to transport smaller or lighter cargo, and tow trucks which can sometimes be the medium trucks. The tow trucks are used to transport disabled or illegal parked motor vehicles to a specified location [Falco, 2011]. There are five types of tow trucks which differentiated based on its size and equipments. First is the Boom type of tow trucks which was equipped with an adjustable boom. Seco nd is the tow trucks equipped with hook and chain which is used to drag cars that have steel bumpers. Third are the trucks equipped with wheel-lift which is the improved form from hook and chain. Fourth is the flatbed truck, the entire back of a flatbed truck is fit with a bed and is able to move to the ground level. The fifth types is the Self-loader Snatcher, it is the combination of boom and wheel-lift to make a quick pickup without any hook to pick up the goods. The maximum weight that can carried by small trucks is only 7.5 tons. For the medium category, there are van, flatbed trucks, medium duty trucks, fire trucks, electric platform trucks which are electric powered trucks with a large flat surface for holding objects to be transport, and box trucks which is also known as cube truck, bob truck or straight truck [Falco, 2011]. Box truck is usually have 4m to 7m in length and usually have a garage door. All the goods can be loaded on the trucks through the door. It can also use as moving trucks to carry home appliances and furniture. The medium trucks can transport goods up to maximum 12 tons. The third category is the heavy trucks, the trucks under this category are concrete transport trucks, log carrier which is used to carry log, refrigerator truck which is equipped with air conditioner at the cargo area of the trucks and is usually use dto transport foods and beverages, semi-trailer truck which is a truck attached with one or more semi-trailers to carry goods, crane which is a truck equipped with chain, sheaves, and lift, tank truck which is designed to carry liquefied loads, dry bulk cargo or gases on the road, dump truck which is a truck that was designed for movable materials such as sand, dirt or rocks for construction [Falco, 2011]. A dump truck is usually equipped with an open-box at the back and the front part of the box is able to be lift up in order to move the material inside the box to the ground. There are several types of dump truck s such as standard dump trucks, transfer dumb trucks, truck and pup, super dumb trucks, semi-trailer end dumb truck, semi-trailer bottom dumb truck, double and triple bottom dumb truck and side dumb truck. The maximum capacity for the heavy trucks is up to 40 tons. Besides this three categories, there are 2 types of trucks which is out of category. First is the ballast tractor, it is designed to push or pull heavy or exceptionally large items and it is the heaviest class of on-highway trucks. Second is the heavy hauler, it consists of flatbed with multiple wheels which can carry up to 400 tons. All variety of trucks above will have more assortment of trucks with different size and design. 2.2 Current competitors Local competitor S.T.B Maju (M) Sdn Bhd was first founded in 1973 which operated as supplying labourers and machinery. It was operated by using forklifts for bulk cargo handling services at Port Klang. Today, S.T.B Maju (M) Sdn Bhd is only focusing more on transp ortation of raw materials in bulk for construction and other types of raw materials for production. For example, palm kernel products, soya bean meal, maize, coal, coke breeze, woodchips, sand and so on. S.T.B Maju (M) Sdn Bhd has their business at all the major port in Malaysia such as the Penang Port, Lumut Port, North Port and Kuantan Port. This company has provided services to several industries included the palm oil industry, feed mill industry, cement industry, iron or manganese ore industry and so on. They provide services such as warehousing, transportation, bulk cargo handling, stevedoring and supply of heavy machinery at several ports and factories. S.T.B Maju (M) Sdn Bhd declared that they are rich in engineering skills and have wide experiences that allow them to use special capabilities in every project delivering and they are confident in adding value to their customers at every stage of their operation process. With their own experience and technical skills, the y have created a 7à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ feet belt width hopper conveyor which is the only conveyor used to load by tipping trailer among the ports in West Malaysia. This had created a competitive advantage for the company if any of their customers require this type of conveyor since there is none of the other company possesses this type of conveyor. Besides that, they have also successfully come out with a wide selection of mobile conveyor and fleets of tipper lorries that equipped with the Global Positioning System (GPS) to allow goods tracking services during delivery. This is able to improve the security of the goods for the customers. The goods tracking services by using GPS is still not very common in Malaysia, even Tiong Nam Group is still have not develop this type of services so it had brought a large competitive advantages for S.T.B Maju company. Besides that, the transportation service provided is covering a not small range of products is giving the company some benefit since Tiong Nam Group does not involve in transporting sand, cement, rock and so on. International competitor Crane Worldwide Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd was first founded in 2007 that the first company was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In the past 2 years, their company has expended and had added average one network partner to their system for each year. Crane Worldwide Logistic is not only covered land freight but also covered air and ocean freight for the Pacific Rim through their network in worldwide. The company has established the joint venture offices with more than 200 people all over the Far east, U.S, Central and South America, Europe and Australia at the end of 2009.The services provided by this company included custom clearance which is about tax, freight forwarding with marine insurance, domestic trucking, local delivery, logistic consulting and warehousing. Crane Worldwide Logistic company transported almost all kinds of goods. They have also involved hand carries services or counter to counter services for emergency shipments. Crane Worldwide Logistic companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goal is to expand their business and company across the nations and they have seem to achieve their goal since they already have their business across several nations and has good relationship with most carriers serving the Pacific. The company has also provided several value added strategies such as supplier management program, benchmark productivity improvement, standardize performance criteria, evaluate quality service with commitment and so on. The process that the company is implementing now included the local facilities meeting, dedicated team assigned, IT testing, functional organization set-up, trial shipment testing and so on. The competitive advantages of Crane Worldwide Logistic are based on service quality, reliability, capability and competitive pricing offer. They have the confidence that they are able to provide a higher quality of services and they have the skills and abilities to ensure the service they provide will satisfy the customers. Besides that, most of their employees are bilingual in Chinese and English and they had upgraded all their hardware, technologies and IT system recently in order to provide the best services for their customers. By comparing to Tiong Nam Group, Tiong Nam will be less competitive advantage based on the technology part and it only focus more on land transport so it can be difficult if Tiong Nam Group want to expand across nations compare to Crane Worldwide Logistic company. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Land Freight Industry Analysis" essay for you Create order

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Salem Witch Trials and Thesis Statement - 2226 Words

The Crucible Essay Assignment For your essay on The Crucible, please write a five paragraph, analytical essay in which you respond to one of the following prompts. 1. Although The Crucible revolves around the Salem Witch Trials, it allows readers to examine many themes. Choose a theme from The Crucible and discuss how it is developed throughout the play. How does this theme reveal the play’s deeper meaning? 2. The Crucible is a play of conflicts. Analyze a major conflict from The Crucible. Discuss how specific characters play a role in this conflict as well as how it contributes to the meaning of the play. 3. Some of the characters in the play are blind to the truth. Choose three characters and discuss why they are blind to†¦show more content†¦You should choose a topic and write a working thesis statement tonight. Topics and thesis statements will be collected Thursday, November 4 for approval. The Introduction Your introduction should move from general information to very specific information. You should imagine familiarizing the reader with: 1.) the title and author 2.) some information about the text 3.) your topic 4.) your thesis and three examples. Be sure to include: 1. A strong opening statement General 2. An establishment of the author and novel 3. An establishment of your topic More Specific 4. Your thesis statement and three examples 5. A transition into the body paragraphs Very Specific Move through this set of information in this order. This will give your introduction the appropriate set-up and flow. Example: Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, is wonderful example of how mass hysteria can spread throughout a small community. The setting of the play is Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the infamous Witch Trials. Miller uses these trials and the way they impacted the Salem community as a parallel to the Red Scare of the 1950s. Both time periods show the effect corrupt authorities can have on the lives of others. The author’s most striking commentary is on the roleShow MoreRelatedSalem Witch Hysteria And Trials1620 Words   |  7 PagesSalem Witch Hysteria and Trials Joshua Furman History 121: Early America to the Civil War Dr. Phillip Hamilton November 18, 2015 The Salem Witch Trial consisted of heinous accusations implicated by Cotton Mather which effected society as a hole and gave reasoning to the numerous amount of witch stories we hear today. Cotton Mather was the eldest son of Increase Mather, Massachusetts most influential and well known Puritan minister, and the grandson of John Cotton, Salem’s spiritualRead MoreSalem Witch Trials1692 Words   |  7 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials I: Introduction Attention Getter: During the Salem Witch Trials, about 200 people would be accused of Witchcraft, 19 would be executed as witches, and one man is his 80s would be put to death by stacking stone upon stone on his chest. General Purpose: To educate my audience about the Salem Witch Trials. Specific Purpose: My purpose is to display to you the power of fear in a place like Salem, or any place when they have the â€Å"witch hunt mentality.† Thesis Statement:Read MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1358 Words   |  6 Pagesproduced in 1996 and portrayed the dramatized play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. The movie story deals with the Salem, Massachusetts hysteria in 1692 with an irrational fear of the devil. Witch hunts and false accusations resulted. Trials took place and resulted in the hanging and associated death of more than 20 people and the false imprisonment of many others. B. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. â€Å"From June through September ofRead MoreSalem Witch Trial vs Mccarthyism1208 Words   |  5 PagesA review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials, by Laurie Winn Carlson, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2000; 224 pp. $14.95 Paperback. ISBN: 1-566633095 A FEVER IN SALEM POSITS A biological cause for the early modem witchcraft epidemic, which resulted in the hanging of 19 people in Salem, MA, in 1692. Witchcraft persecution, Laurie Carlson writes, arose because of the strange behavior of the supposedly bewitched accusers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

New Deal Essay Free Essays

1932. Famine and homelessness afflicted millions across the country. Small shanty-towns called â€Å"Hoovervilles† popped up on the outskirts of towns and in the open areas of cities, and served as home to the most downtrodden of society. We will write a custom essay sample on New Deal Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Over nine thousand banks had gone bankrupt since 1929, along with them millions of dollars that had been entrusted to their care. Franklin D. Roosevelt inherited the leadership of a nation containing thirteen million unemployed living in utter poverty. Although criticized by his political contemporaries for the vague nature of his â€Å"New Deal,† FDR came into office with a vision that, if employed effectively, would boost people’s confidence in the economy and lift the spirits of millions nationwide. â€Å"The New Deal† may have only been marginally effective in repairing the economic woes of the United States on a pure numbers basis, but it ultimately succeeded in stabilizing the â€Å"depression† in America. In my analysis, the success of the New Deal rested in the positive psychological ramifications it manifested nationwide. The New Deal brought about lasting changes in government policy, and the way Americans would perceive the federal government. According to William E. Leuchtenburg, FDR came into office after a â€Å"lame duck† session that had lasted from February to December that had only weakened the public’s already low perception of Congress. Further, American and European observations at the outset of FDR’s presidency remarked that the common, jobless poor seemed to have lost all vigor for life; listless and calmly accepting their fates, rather than taking to the streets in violent protest. Unlike their European contemporaries, the American people felt simply defeated and hopeless, without the agency to force positive change. President Hoover tried repeatedly (unsuccessfully) to coerce the President-elect into accepting his view of the Depression as well, while FDR carefully built a â€Å"brains trust† of intellectuals, theorists, and colleagues to develop the New Deal into a tangible program when he took office. A major obstacle to implementing New Deal programs was a strong push from the Republican side for a return to a Smithian laissez-faire society with traditional values and a myriad of small businesses controlling the bulk of the economy. New Dealers maintained that this idyllic trip down memory lane was mere illusion, and the best way to solve the country’s economic woes was to foster business-government cooperation with an emphasis on balance. As the first part of the New Deal, in the first 100 days, the FDR dministration’s goal was to restore hope and courage to the American people, and stop economic hemorrhaging. In early March, FDR issued a (legally questionable) presidential edict to proclaim a national bank holiday to protect both the banks from mass withdrawal runs and the national treasury. FDR addressed Hoover’s financial advisers’ and the deficit hawks’ concerns through the introduction of the Economy Act, which cut $500 million total out o f veterans’ pensions and federal employees’ salaries in order to balance the â€Å"regular† federal budget. FDR sent the Emergency Banking Act to Congress on March 9, 1933, effectively reopening 75% of Federal Reserve Banks, and granted authority to large banking institutions to purchase smaller banks, but with strictly defined rules and regulations. As part of the act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was established to provide insurance on banking deposits up to $2500, effectively ending the risk of bank runs. Alcohol once again was sold legally on April 7, 1933 after FDR requested Congress to pledge an early end to Prohibition, and the American people began to become reassured in financial recovery with help from FDR’s â€Å"fireside chats. The Thomas Act gave FDR the authority to inflate money and take the dollar off the gold standard, effectively allowing the economy to expand and diversify. The Securities Act of 1933 created the Securities and Exchange Commission, charged with the regulation of the stock market, correcting excesses in the banking system and the stock market, and maintaining the disclosure of financial statements. All of the aforementioned programs were simply the beginning of the New Deal, but they were necessary for facilitating social, political, and economic change in the United States. The Agricultural Adjustment Act placed limits on competitive farming, reduced crop production through artificial scarcity ensuring agricultural price inflation and padding the pockets of farmers. The AAA also paid farmers subsidies to leave farm lands uncultivated by introducing tax penalties on overproduction. This led to the slaughter of over six million piglets, unfortunately. The AAA was widely unpopular among the American public according to Gallup polls of the time, and the Supreme Court ultimately declared it unconstitutional; that the state did not have the legal right to control the means of agricultural production. Proponents of the second New Deal introduced new legislation in FDR’s second term to provide government subsidies on lands that were used to plant soil enriching crops rather than commodities. The FERA, CWA, CCC, the WPA, NYA, NRA, PWA, and TVA were all created as part of the relief legislation to get the unemployed back to work, regardless of cost. All the relief works programs especially the CCC were designed to organize a labor force and literally create an â€Å"Army† of working men, provide them with jobs, discipline, food, and shelter while creating infrastructure support nationally through public works projects. These programs were drastically inefficient and dragged the federal deficit even deeper into debt, but they improved the morale of the population by putting millions back to work, and they were politically popular, giving FDR the edge to be reelected. New Deal programs were ideal for fostering active political engagement for African Americans, and gave people the strength to organize to let their voices be heard. NAACP membership was dramatically on the rise, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s tireless work for the advancement of racial equality helped spur the movement onward. Greenburg points out that the intentions of the New Deal programs at face value were designed to be racially equal, but the application of those programs brought out the discrimination that was prevalent in society at the time, especially the south. The biggest problem associated with African Americans and the New Deal was that the New Deal officials offering relief to the public only saw the need to assist whites, and that blacks had not established a greater need for assistance. Why? Good old fashioned racism, that’s why. According to Greenberg, African Americans hadn’t fallen that far during the economic crash though. Even though African Americans had been legally free for near 80 years, they still lived in desperate poverty, and hadn’t reached the levels of financial success achieved by their white counterparts. African Americans generally didn’t own the houses they lived in, worked the least-paying and least-desirable jobs, and essentially had lived in their own economic depression long before the stock market crash of 1929. In the post-Bellum South, a quarter of African American people were categorized as illiterate, as education was not readily available for them due to racial pressures and antiquated Jim Crow laws. Southern blacks lived in more destitute poverty than most other Americans during the depression due to their already horrible lot in life. A majority of Southern blacks were sharecroppers, and didn’t even own the land they were farming. The decline of Agricultural commodities lowered farm prices more and more, until the tenant farmers were literally tending to the fields to do nothing more than lose more money, as the landowners claimed all of the subsidies from the AAA. Wealth was not well-distributed in the south, and they found that opportunity lay in urban centers especially to the north, in modern industrialized cities. What followed was â€Å"The Great Migration† between 1910 and 1940, where African Americans left the south in droves to find opportunities in the cities. They found the worst jobs in the cities coupled with the worst pay, but they were genereally free from the threat of lynch mobs and public beatings, despite not being well-liked by their new neighbors. Section 7A of the NRA required businesses to accept union employees and not discriminate based on ethnicity or race, which allowed greater legislative power for organizations like the American Negro Labor Congress. Even though New Deal programs had been introduced to unify the workingman, the results of the new legislation widened the distrust between blacks and whites. African Americans provided a cheap labor force, and would often work as scabs during factory strikes, infuriating white union workers, causing deeper tensions. The Communist and Socialist Parties both claimed that capitalists used race as tool to divide the population against itself, and both worked tirelessly to promote equal rights for both the poor and African Americans. This caused even further disparity when these parties used racial inequality to stir up tension between established whites and poor blacks. The Communist and Socialist Parties had found a rallying cry in racial inequality, and actively promoted multiracial unions to demand equality in the workplace. There was even a conspiracy theory espoused by most southern whites that African Americans were Soviet spies, employed by the USSR to bring down the white race and capitalism. FDR’s New Deal programs certainly barred racial discrimination, but local officials were the people who administered the programs, and the majority of these people still hadn’t changed their racial views. Greenburg points out that the fault lay not in the New Deal, but in the patterns and established segregation that was prevalent in society. It didn’t help that FDR courted southern white democrats in his bid for the election, to secure his position n office. Once he laid out the plans for the New Deal, however, he gained more support from the black community, as they were among those represented in the groups that would benefit from programs designed to empower the jobless, homeless, starving, and needy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions though; Public works projects like the WPA, the NRA (coined â€Å"affectionately as the Negro Removal Agency), and FERA all generally accepted local wage distribution policies, discriminatory hiring practices, and were all subject to public scrutiny. African Americans, not being part of the majority had a lesser voice in the crowd, and thus were financially punished for any outspoken criticism of racial inequalities within the workplace. FDR avoided directly addressing the race issue in his first few years in office to garner continued support from the southern white supremacists that occupied the Senate. As the US entered WWII, the need for increased collaboration and unity between whites and blacks was much greater, and FDR saw the need for improved race relations (and to ward off a march on the Capitol by A. Philip Randolph and his supporters), so he issued Executive Order 8802 to legally mandate an official federal government position of anti-discrimination policy. Even though the Executive Order was technically part of the first or second New Deal, it was part of FDR’s legacy, and it has had resounding effects throughout American society. New Deal programs were carefully, politically orchestrated to have mass appeal across a broad spectrum of the US population, but unfortunately mass appeal is not sympathetic to minorities caught up in the struggle. While the New Deal provided jobs and money for millions of white Americans, improving morale and confidence in the economy, racial inequality as a product of society, left African Americans generally poor and in similar conditions they had faced before the depression. How to cite New Deal Essay, Essay examples

New Deal Essay Free Essays

1932. Famine and homelessness afflicted millions across the country. Small shanty-towns called â€Å"Hoovervilles† popped up on the outskirts of towns and in the open areas of cities, and served as home to the most downtrodden of society. We will write a custom essay sample on New Deal Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Over nine thousand banks had gone bankrupt since 1929, along with them millions of dollars that had been entrusted to their care. Franklin D. Roosevelt inherited the leadership of a nation containing thirteen million unemployed living in utter poverty. Although criticized by his political contemporaries for the vague nature of his â€Å"New Deal,† FDR came into office with a vision that, if employed effectively, would boost people’s confidence in the economy and lift the spirits of millions nationwide. â€Å"The New Deal† may have only been marginally effective in repairing the economic woes of the United States on a pure numbers basis, but it ultimately succeeded in stabilizing the â€Å"depression† in America. In my analysis, the success of the New Deal rested in the positive psychological ramifications it manifested nationwide. The New Deal brought about lasting changes in government policy, and the way Americans would perceive the federal government. According to William E. Leuchtenburg, FDR came into office after a â€Å"lame duck† session that had lasted from February to December that had only weakened the public’s already low perception of Congress. Further, American and European observations at the outset of FDR’s presidency remarked that the common, jobless poor seemed to have lost all vigor for life; listless and calmly accepting their fates, rather than taking to the streets in violent protest. Unlike their European contemporaries, the American people felt simply defeated and hopeless, without the agency to force positive change. President Hoover tried repeatedly (unsuccessfully) to coerce the President-elect into accepting his view of the Depression as well, while FDR carefully built a â€Å"brains trust† of intellectuals, theorists, and colleagues to develop the New Deal into a tangible program when he took office. A major obstacle to implementing New Deal programs was a strong push from the Republican side for a return to a Smithian laissez-faire society with traditional values and a myriad of small businesses controlling the bulk of the economy. New Dealers maintained that this idyllic trip down memory lane was mere illusion, and the best way to solve the country’s economic woes was to foster business-government cooperation with an emphasis on balance. As the first part of the New Deal, in the first 100 days, the FDR dministration’s goal was to restore hope and courage to the American people, and stop economic hemorrhaging. In early March, FDR issued a (legally questionable) presidential edict to proclaim a national bank holiday to protect both the banks from mass withdrawal runs and the national treasury. FDR addressed Hoover’s financial advisers’ and the deficit hawks’ concerns through the introduction of the Economy Act, which cut $500 million total out o f veterans’ pensions and federal employees’ salaries in order to balance the â€Å"regular† federal budget. FDR sent the Emergency Banking Act to Congress on March 9, 1933, effectively reopening 75% of Federal Reserve Banks, and granted authority to large banking institutions to purchase smaller banks, but with strictly defined rules and regulations. As part of the act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was established to provide insurance on banking deposits up to $2500, effectively ending the risk of bank runs. Alcohol once again was sold legally on April 7, 1933 after FDR requested Congress to pledge an early end to Prohibition, and the American people began to become reassured in financial recovery with help from FDR’s â€Å"fireside chats. The Thomas Act gave FDR the authority to inflate money and take the dollar off the gold standard, effectively allowing the economy to expand and diversify. The Securities Act of 1933 created the Securities and Exchange Commission, charged with the regulation of the stock market, correcting excesses in the banking system and the stock market, and maintaining the disclosure of financial statements. All of the aforementioned programs were simply the beginning of the New Deal, but they were necessary for facilitating social, political, and economic change in the United States. The Agricultural Adjustment Act placed limits on competitive farming, reduced crop production through artificial scarcity ensuring agricultural price inflation and padding the pockets of farmers. The AAA also paid farmers subsidies to leave farm lands uncultivated by introducing tax penalties on overproduction. This led to the slaughter of over six million piglets, unfortunately. The AAA was widely unpopular among the American public according to Gallup polls of the time, and the Supreme Court ultimately declared it unconstitutional; that the state did not have the legal right to control the means of agricultural production. Proponents of the second New Deal introduced new legislation in FDR’s second term to provide government subsidies on lands that were used to plant soil enriching crops rather than commodities. The FERA, CWA, CCC, the WPA, NYA, NRA, PWA, and TVA were all created as part of the relief legislation to get the unemployed back to work, regardless of cost. All the relief works programs especially the CCC were designed to organize a labor force and literally create an â€Å"Army† of working men, provide them with jobs, discipline, food, and shelter while creating infrastructure support nationally through public works projects. These programs were drastically inefficient and dragged the federal deficit even deeper into debt, but they improved the morale of the population by putting millions back to work, and they were politically popular, giving FDR the edge to be reelected. New Deal programs were ideal for fostering active political engagement for African Americans, and gave people the strength to organize to let their voices be heard. NAACP membership was dramatically on the rise, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s tireless work for the advancement of racial equality helped spur the movement onward. Greenburg points out that the intentions of the New Deal programs at face value were designed to be racially equal, but the application of those programs brought out the discrimination that was prevalent in society at the time, especially the south. The biggest problem associated with African Americans and the New Deal was that the New Deal officials offering relief to the public only saw the need to assist whites, and that blacks had not established a greater need for assistance. Why? Good old fashioned racism, that’s why. According to Greenberg, African Americans hadn’t fallen that far during the economic crash though. Even though African Americans had been legally free for near 80 years, they still lived in desperate poverty, and hadn’t reached the levels of financial success achieved by their white counterparts. African Americans generally didn’t own the houses they lived in, worked the least-paying and least-desirable jobs, and essentially had lived in their own economic depression long before the stock market crash of 1929. In the post-Bellum South, a quarter of African American people were categorized as illiterate, as education was not readily available for them due to racial pressures and antiquated Jim Crow laws. Southern blacks lived in more destitute poverty than most other Americans during the depression due to their already horrible lot in life. A majority of Southern blacks were sharecroppers, and didn’t even own the land they were farming. The decline of Agricultural commodities lowered farm prices more and more, until the tenant farmers were literally tending to the fields to do nothing more than lose more money, as the landowners claimed all of the subsidies from the AAA. Wealth was not well-distributed in the south, and they found that opportunity lay in urban centers especially to the north, in modern industrialized cities. What followed was â€Å"The Great Migration† between 1910 and 1940, where African Americans left the south in droves to find opportunities in the cities. They found the worst jobs in the cities coupled with the worst pay, but they were genereally free from the threat of lynch mobs and public beatings, despite not being well-liked by their new neighbors. Section 7A of the NRA required businesses to accept union employees and not discriminate based on ethnicity or race, which allowed greater legislative power for organizations like the American Negro Labor Congress. Even though New Deal programs had been introduced to unify the workingman, the results of the new legislation widened the distrust between blacks and whites. African Americans provided a cheap labor force, and would often work as scabs during factory strikes, infuriating white union workers, causing deeper tensions. The Communist and Socialist Parties both claimed that capitalists used race as tool to divide the population against itself, and both worked tirelessly to promote equal rights for both the poor and African Americans. This caused even further disparity when these parties used racial inequality to stir up tension between established whites and poor blacks. The Communist and Socialist Parties had found a rallying cry in racial inequality, and actively promoted multiracial unions to demand equality in the workplace. There was even a conspiracy theory espoused by most southern whites that African Americans were Soviet spies, employed by the USSR to bring down the white race and capitalism. FDR’s New Deal programs certainly barred racial discrimination, but local officials were the people who administered the programs, and the majority of these people still hadn’t changed their racial views. Greenburg points out that the fault lay not in the New Deal, but in the patterns and established segregation that was prevalent in society. It didn’t help that FDR courted southern white democrats in his bid for the election, to secure his position n office. Once he laid out the plans for the New Deal, however, he gained more support from the black community, as they were among those represented in the groups that would benefit from programs designed to empower the jobless, homeless, starving, and needy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions though; Public works projects like the WPA, the NRA (coined â€Å"affectionately as the Negro Removal Agency), and FERA all generally accepted local wage distribution policies, discriminatory hiring practices, and were all subject to public scrutiny. African Americans, not being part of the majority had a lesser voice in the crowd, and thus were financially punished for any outspoken criticism of racial inequalities within the workplace. FDR avoided directly addressing the race issue in his first few years in office to garner continued support from the southern white supremacists that occupied the Senate. As the US entered WWII, the need for increased collaboration and unity between whites and blacks was much greater, and FDR saw the need for improved race relations (and to ward off a march on the Capitol by A. Philip Randolph and his supporters), so he issued Executive Order 8802 to legally mandate an official federal government position of anti-discrimination policy. Even though the Executive Order was technically part of the first or second New Deal, it was part of FDR’s legacy, and it has had resounding effects throughout American society. New Deal programs were carefully, politically orchestrated to have mass appeal across a broad spectrum of the US population, but unfortunately mass appeal is not sympathetic to minorities caught up in the struggle. While the New Deal provided jobs and money for millions of white Americans, improving morale and confidence in the economy, racial inequality as a product of society, left African Americans generally poor and in similar conditions they had faced before the depression. How to cite New Deal Essay, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Philippines Essays - National Accounts, Economy Of The Philippines

Philippines The Economy of the Philippines Per Capita Income: The per capita income of a certain country is the GDP of that country divided by the total population. In the Philippines the per capita income is approximately $700. When compared to the per capita income of the United States, which is about $22,000, it is easy to tell that the economy of the Philippines is very, very poor. GDP: Growth: 5.7% GDP= 82.8 billion dollars % FROM AGRICULTURE: 17.1 (important because you would think that since they mainly produce agricultural products that its percentage would be the highest) % FROM MANUFACTURING: 18.9 % FROM SERVICES: 39.2 (also important because you wouldn't think that this one would be the highest) % FROM GOVERNMENT: 7.9 Exports: Traditionally, the Philippines have been primarily an exporter of raw materials and an importer of manufactured goods. This is the role that many ?third world? countries play in the global economy. Electronic and automotive parts, along with garments are the leading merchandise exports of the country. However, the Philippines also rely heavily on import inputs. The country also exports bananas, coconuts, copper, gold, lumber, pineapples and sugar. Imports: The Philippines mostly imports manufactured goods. Certain items remain subject to import regulations such as narcotic drugs, firearms, ammunition, etc. Their chief imports include chemicals, machinery, and petroleum. Trading Partners: The Philippines, like any other country, cannot produce everything that it needs. Instead, it relies heavily on foreign trade. Specialization in production allows for each nation to produce what it produces best, and to trade for products, which it cannot produce as well. This means that if you are better at one thing and I am better at another, rather than each of us trying to do both, we would each do what we are best at. Then, we would exchange what we had produced and both be better off than had we tried making both things on our own. It trades mainly with Japan and the United States. The Philippines maintain high tariff rates and protective barriers on sensitive agricultural products. Major Economic Activities: The Philippines has embarked on economic reforms and market liberalization measures in the past two years. As a result of this the Philippines has started to show signs of recovery since the era of Ferdinand Marcos. Even though the unemployment rate is very high, it has dropped from 10.5% to 9.8%, a considerable move for a two-year period. In the Philippines, the minimum age for employment is 15. Their constitution prohibits forced labor. All workers have the right to join unions. The prices are generally determined by free market forces, with only a few exceptions. Conclusion: Although the Philippines economy is weak, and the unemployment rate is high, the Philippines are showing some signs of improvement. It has recently become a more open economy, allowing for more free trade and free market forces. As this process continues, trade with the Philippines will increase, and eventually, a more capitalistic and a successful economy will emerge.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Example

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Example Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay you black, you pore, you ugly, you a woman. Goddam, you nothing at all. Each word here is delivered as an insult, growing in intensity, the crowning insult being that she is a woman. That is how black woman where treated. Men at those times wanted woman to be like their slaves, and this is reflected on Harpo, Mr-s son when he tries to make Sophia, his wife, mind by beating her. The funny part is that Sofia is much stronger than him and wins most of the fights. In this novel outsiders are often treated badly because of false impressions or false ideas on them. For example when Shug Avery became sick nobody in this town wants to take the Queen Honeybee in. Everyone is afraid of her because they believe that Shug has the nasty woman disease. This false statement was lead to be believed because everyone believed that Shug was a slut, hussy, heifer and streetcleaner. But still in the meantime the men love Shug because of her singing, but could not dare to take in a social outsider when she wanted help fearing of the shame that will fall on their family if they did. Again Celie is an outsider in her new home. She spent her wedding day running from the oldest boy, who laid my [Celies] head open. She has a brutal wedding life, being constantly in torment from Mr. , until Shug saves her from him. Social outsider were often black, and if you where a woman it would be worse. Sofia was brutally abused in prison because she punched the mayor and because she was a black woman. No one cared about the insult she received from the mayors wife, ordering her to be her maid. Blacks were treated infernally even with Mr. . Mr. is in good terms with the Sheriff because his son Bub if often on prison. Still because Mr. is back he is has a lower status just long as Mr. know he colored. . Another example of black infernality is Mary Agnes. She is raped by the warden because she was black, and no one could do anything about it. Another example of outsider is the Olinka tribe in Africa. The white people living there treats the Olinka as if they where outsider from a different world. They stole their lands and killed many of the people there. Tashi did not want to marry Adam because she feared when she goes to America she will be treated infernally because she thinks she is an outsider to them, and that the scares on her face will be her source of embracement. Both novels put emphasis on economic independence. Both novels find love as a powerful force and end with conquering and banishing the idea of outsiders, and the remaining character live in harmony learning from the mistakes of the older generation about treating outsiders cruelly. However, a lasting impression of both novels is a vivid sense of the cruelty and injustice suffered by social outsiders.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill Battle of Malvern Hill: Date Conflict: The Battle of Malvern Hill was part of the Seven Days Battles and was fought July 1, 1862, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General George B. McClellanBrigadier General Fitz John Porter80,000 men Confederate General Robert E. Lee80,000 men Battle of Malvern Hill - Background: Beginning on June 25, 1862, Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac was the subject of repeated assaults by Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee. Falling back from the gates of Richmond, McClellan believed his army to be outnumbered and hastened to retreat to his secure supply base at Harrisons Landing where his army could shelter under the guns of the US Navy in the James River. Fighting an inconclusive action at Glendale (Fraysers Farm) on June 30, he was able to gain some breathing room for his continued withdrawal. Retreating south, the Army of the Potomac occupied a high, open plateau known as Malvern Hill on July 1. Featuring steep slopes on its southern, eastern, and western sides, the position was further protected by swampy terrain and Western Run to the east. The site had been selected the previous day by Brigadier General Fitz John Porter who commanded the Union V Corps. Riding ahead to Harrisons Landing, McClellan left Porter in command at Malvern Hill. Aware that Confederate forces would have to attack from the north, Porter formed a line facing in that direction (Map). Battle of Malvern Hill - The Union Position: Placing Brigadier General George Morells division from his corps on the far left, Porter placed the IV Corps division of Brigadier General Darius Couch to their right. The Union line was further extended to the right by the III Corps divisions of Brigadier General Philip Kearny and Joseph Hooker. These infantry formations were supported by the armys artillery under Colonel Henry Hunt. Possessing around 250 guns, he was able to emplace between 30 to 35 atop the hill at any given point. The Union line was further supported by US Navy gunboats in the river to the south and additional troops on the hill. Battle of Malvern Hill - Lees Plan: To the north of the Union position, the hill sloped down across open space that extended from 800 yards to a mile until reaching the closest tree line. To assess the Union position, Lee met with several of his commanders. While Major General Daniel H. Hill felt that an attack was ill-advised, such an action was encouraged by Major General James Longstreet. Scouting the area, Lee and Longstreet identified two suitable artillery positions that they believed would bring the hill under crossfire and suppress the Union guns. With this done, an infantry assault could move forward. Deploying opposite the Union position, Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons command formed the Confederate left, with Hills division in the center astride the Willis Church and Carters Mill Roads. Major General John Magruders division was to form the Confederate right, however it was misled by its guides and was late in arriving. To support this flank, Lee also assigned Major General Benjamin Hugers division to the area as well. The attack was to be led by Brigadier General Lewis A. Armisteads brigade from Hugers Division which was assigned to move forward once the guns had weakened the enemy. Battle of Malvern Hill - A Bloody Debacle: Having devised the plan for the assault, Lee, who was ill, refrained from directing operations and instead delegated the actual fighting to his subordinates. His plan quickly began to unravel when the Confederate artillery, which was strung out back to Glendale, arrived on the field in piecemeal fashion. This was further compounded by confusing orders that were issued by his headquarters. Those Confederate guns that deployed as planned were met with fierce counter-battery fire from Hunts artillery. Firing from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Hunts men unleashed a massive bombardment that crushed the Confederate artillery. The situation for the Confederates continued to worsen when Armisteads men advanced prematurely around 3:30 PM. This keyed the larger assault as planned with Magruder sending forward two brigades as well. Pushing up the hill, they were met by a maelstrom of case and canister shot from the Union guns as well as heavy fire from the enemy infantry. To aid this advance, Hill began sending troops forward, though refrained from a general advance. As a result, his several small attacks were easily turned back by the Union forces. As the afternoon pressed on, the Confederates continued their assaults with no success. Atop the hill, Porter and Hunt had the luxury of being able to rotate units and batteries as ammunition was expended. Later in the day, the Confederates began attacks towards the western side of the hill where the terrain worked to cover part of their approach. Though they advanced farther than the previous efforts, they too were turned back by the Union guns. The greatest threat came when men from Major General Lafayette McLaws division nearly reached the Union line. Rushing reinforcements to the scene, Porter was able to turn back the attack. Battle of Malvern Hill - Aftermath: As the sun began to set, the fighting died out. During the course of the battle, the Confederates sustained 5,355 casualties while Union forces incurred 3,214. On July 2, McClellan ordered the army to continue its retreat and shifted his men to the Berkeley and Westover Plantations near Harrisons Landing. In assessing the fighting at Malvern Hill, Hill famously commented that: It was not war. It was murder. Though he followed the withdrawing Union troops, Lee was unable to inflict any additional damage. Ensconced in a strong position and backed by the US Navys guns, McClellan began a steady stream of requests for reinforcements. Ultimately deciding that the timid Union commander posed little additional threat to Richmond, Lee began dispatching men north to begin what would become the Second Manassas Campaign. Selected Sources History of War: Battle of Malvern HillBlue Gray Trail: Battle of Malvern HillCWPT: Battle of  Malvern Hill

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Theories of knowledge and different purposes of the curriculum Essay

Theories of knowledge and different purposes of the curriculum - Essay Example Epistemology, the theory of knowledge, has traditionally competed for the primary role in philosophical inquiry. Sometimes epistemology has won, and sometimes metapysics, depending on the methodological and substantiative presuppositions of the philosopher. The epistemologist asks what we know. Some philosophers have begun with an account of the nature of reality and then appended a theory of knowledge to account for how we know that reality. Plato, for example, reached the metaphysical conclusion that abstract entities, or forms, such as triangularity or justice, are real and all else is mere appearance. He also held that the, real is knowable, and he inquired into how we might know this reality. Aristotle, on the contrary, held that individual substances, such as individual statues or animals, are real, and inquired as to how we might have knowledge, especially general knowledge, concerning these substances. It is hardly surprising that Plato and Aristotle produced vastly different theories of knowledge when they conceived of the objects of knowledge in such different ways. Their common approach, starting with metaphysics, we might refer to as metaphysical epistemology. Other philosophers, most notably Ren Descartes, turned tables on the metaphysical approach by insisting that we must first decide what we can know about what is real and must remain skeptical about what is real until we have discovered what we can know. It is refer as skeptical epistemology. However, there is also a problem with this approach. When one once enters the den of skepticism, an exit may be difficult to find. Seeking to discover what he knew by following the method of doubting all that he could, Descartes imagined a powerful demon bent on deceiving us and thus found demonic doubt. It remains controversial whether such doubt admits of relief by reason. It seems natural to begin with skepticism with the hope of discovering what we know and what we do not, but if we first pretend to total ignorance, we shall find no way to remove it. Moreover, we shall lack even the meager compensation of knowing that we ere ignorant, for that too is knowledge. To indicate the information sense of the word 'know' as being the one in question is quite different from analyzing the kind of knowledge we have picked out. What is an analysis of knowledge An analysis is always relative to some objective. It does not make any sense simply to demand the analysis of goodness, knowledge, beauty, or truth, without some indication of what purpose such an analysis is supposed to achieve. To demand the analysis of knowledge without specifying further what you hope to accomplish with it is like demanding blueprints without saying what you hope to build. Many philosophers have been interested in the task of analyzing the meaning of the word 'know' (A. J. Ayer 1955, 76). Indeed, many would argue that there is no need for philosophical analysis once we have a satisfactory analysis of the meaning of the term 'know'. This restrictive conception of philosophical analysis is sustained by a dilemma: either a theory of knowledge is a theory about the meaning of the word 'know' and semantically related epistemic terms, or it is a theory about how people come to know what they do. The latter is not part of philosophy

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Entrepreneurship-Creating a Business Opportunity Assignment

Entrepreneurship-Creating a Business Opportunity - Assignment Example Finally, the study will be concluded with the managerial capabilities required to manage the business in the production of PVC chemical by the author of the study. Polyvinyl chloride also known as PVC is highly used for its application in the construction business and is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer, which is used in the reactor and then condensed from the reactor so that gases are emitted. The PVC production is one of the most profitable businesses and is regarded as a significant contributor in the economy. The importance of PVC production increases with the growth in the construction industry and is widely used for manufacture of plastics. The worldwide PVC production is one of the most important businesses in the world economy, which requires the manufacture of polyolefins polypropylene and polyethylene. These business products have a large number of market shares, which includes high quality processing and production of plastics in bulk quantity (Vox, 2008). My company is already proficient in manufacturing high quality PVC chemical in South Korea and has been distributing the chemical to major medium and large sized enterprise of South Korea. It plans to expand further in Mumbai due to its easy availability of manufacturing sub parts, raw materials, and machinery and varied other materials. The major objective of my company would be to introduce my chemical in the Mumbai markets through innovation capabilities. It would be ensured that the chemical product would be highly compatible with the operational facilities and also with business environment of Mumbai. The market potential for the PVC chemical in India is quite high and is required mainly for water supply, tube well and land drainage schemes. The corrugated pipes are ideal for the drainage system of Mumbai and the requirement

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Analysing The Compatibility Of Islam And Democracy Politics Essay

Analysing The Compatibility Of Islam And Democracy Politics Essay This chapter presents the arguments for and against the compatibility of Islam and democracy, not to Islamic states specifically per se but more to Muslim-majority states as a whole. By doing so, it encompasses the wide range of arguments that scholars have made on the issue and shows clearly what makes it possible for Islam and democracy to be compatible and what does not. Taking these arguments into consideration, this chapter then puts it into context for Islamic states and analyzes if it is possible for them to be democratic without essentially loosing what makes it an Islamic state. The relationship between Islam and democracy, its compatibility and the issue of the democratic deficit in the Muslim world is one that has been put in the spotlight especially after the catastrophe and repercussions of September 11 (Hasan 2007: 10) as well as the sustained potency of Islamic revivalism and the rise in involvement of Islamic movements in electoral politics (Esposito Piscatori 1991: 428). Although not all hope is lost for the Muslim world as there are Muslim-majority states such as Indonesia and Turkey that are recognized as democracies, there is still the problem of the non-existence of democratic Islamic states and that the majority of the Muslim world remains undemocratic. The relationship that Islam and democracy have in the contemporary world and modern-day politics is one that is rather complicated (Esposito Voll 2001). There are many perspectives regarding the coexistence of Islam and democracy. On the one hand, many prominent Islamic intellectuals and groups argue that Islam and democracy are compatible (Esposito Voll 2001). On the other hand, there are others who see the democratization of Islam as a threat, that it may promote an even more virulent anti-Westernism view or others who see the two as inherently antithetical due to the different beliefs that the two promote (Espositio Piscatori 1991: 428). Esposito and Voll present the idea that the Muslim world is not ideological monolithic and therefore presents a broad spectrum of perspectives ranging from the extremes of those who deny a connection between Islam and democracy to those who argue that Islam requires a democratic system (2001). In addition to this, they argue that there are pers pectives that lie in between the two extremes that consist of Muslims in Muslim-majority states who believe that Islam is a support for democracy despite the fact that their political system and governance is not overtly recognized as democratic (Esposito Voll 2001). Having laid out the range of different opinions and stances on the compatibility of Islam and democracy, it is important to note that this chapter will not deal with every single argument present in the ongoing debate of the relationship between Islam and democracy but rather focus on the main substantial points. Khan, in his book Islamic Democratic Discourse, identifies two main schools of thought of Islamic political theory. First there are the political Islamists who advocate the establishment of an Islamic state, an authoritarian and ideological entity whose central concepts are al-Hakimiyyah (the sovereignty of God) and Sharia (the law of God) (Khan 2006: 160). The second school of thought is that of liberal Muslims who advocate an Islamic democracy whose central themes are Shura (consultation) and Sahifat al Madinah (Constitutionalism a la the Compact of Medina) (Khan 2006: 160). It is significant to note that political Islamists do conceive the concept of Shura as a vital comp onent of their Islamic state, but for them consultative governance is not necessary for legitimacy, since legitimacy comes from the enforcement of the Sharia, regardless of the will of the people (Khan 2006: 160). For liberal Muslim scholars, on the other hand, Shura is a paramount and Sharia too must be arrived at through consultative processes and not taken as given (Khan 2006: 160). Therefore, it can be seen that political Islamists, according to Khan, do not see the need for democracy as the legitimacy democracy is meant to give to a states governance and politics is done through the implementation of the Sharia laws. El Fadl argues that for democracy to work inside the framework of Islam and its ideals, it must understand the centrality of Gods sovereignty in Islam and cannot eliminate the element of the Sharia laws as a whole but rather show how it respects and compliments it. However, El Fadls argument is not feasible as it is not possible to enforce Sharia without taking into consideration the will of the people because that already is considered undemocratic. Khan argues that the only way El Fadls Islamic state can be democratic is if the authority of those who interpret the Sharia are dismantled and interpreted by the people themselves (2006: 161). This in turn may jeopardize the quality of Islamic democracy within the state but according to Khan, it is a risk that should be taken for the sake of implementing democracy (2006: 161). Moving on to the second school of thought, liberal Muslims, who believe in an Islamic democracy centred on the ideals of Shura and the Constitution of Medina. Esposito and Picastori argue that Muslim interpretations of democracy build on the well-established concept of Shura (consultation), but place varying emphases on the extent to which the people are able to exercise this duty (1991: 434). They identify a perspective that claims that it is not only the notion of consultation that makes Islam intrinsically democratic, but it is also due to the concepts of ijthihad (independent reasoning) and ijma (consensus) (Esposito Picastori 1991: 434). The Constitution of Medina establishes the importance of consent and cooperation for governance and according to this compact Muslims and non-Muslims are equal citizens of the Islamic state, with identical rights and duties (Khan 2001). Khan argues that according to this constitution, which was the interpretation of the Quran by Prophet Muhamma d, the principles of equality, consensual governance and pluralism are integrated into the Islamic state (2001). He then goes on to point out the difference between Muhammads democratic and tolerant Islamic state to contemporary Muslims such as the Taliban, who interpret the Quran in a completely different and radical way (Khan 2001). Choudry backs up the liberal Muslim perspective by asserting that the fundamentals of democracy are present in Islam: Islam recognizes popular sovereignty, government is based on rule of law, political leaders are elected and accountable to the people and equality of citizens is ensure in the Quran itself (Choudry in Ehteshami 2004: 96). But if this were the case in all Muslim-majority countries, why are there so few democracies in the Muslim world? The answer is simple. Using Khans argument regarding the interpretation of the Quran, it can be argued that the compatibility of Islam and democracy depends on the interpretation of Islamic spiritual scriptures of the Quran by Muslims themselves. Khan argues along identical lines stating that all arguments that advocate Islamic democracies or the compatibility of Islam and democracy take the Quran as a revealed document, whose text is absolute but meanings are open to interpretations (2006: 158). This is a very important piece of informat ion as it highlights the fact that when the Quran is interpreted differently by different Muslims it would result in different understandings of what the Quran encompasses. This would explain why not all Muslim-majority states, Islamic states in particular, are similar in the extent to which Sharia law is implemented in aspects of governance, economics and everyday life. Additionally, Khan uses the theologian perspective to back up liberal Muslim scholars as theologians go to Islamic roots and identify and exemplify those elements that correspond to liberal democratic principles (2006: 158) thus specifically looking for democratic ideals present in Islam. In his book, The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism, theologian Sachedina relies solely on Quranic sources and eschewing other socially constructed discourses, how Islam strongly advocates pluralism (Khan 2006: 158). However, just because Islam promotes pluralism, does not instantly make it democratic. Liberal Muslims and theologians make the mistake of being complacent with the fact that just one or two aspects of democracy are found in Islam, namely Shura and aspects of pluralism, hence automatically making Islam and democracy compatible. If this were the case, democracy would be more prevalent in the Muslim world. Maududi uses the theologian perspective when studying Islam as he also argues that whatever aspect of the Islamic ideology one may like to study, he must, first of all, go to the roots and look at the fundamental principles (1977: 119-120) emphasizing the importance of having to study Islam from the inside out and not just take it at face value. However, Maududi takes a step further than theologians and coins the idea of a theo-democracy, the mixture of theocracy and democracy in Islamic states (1977: 133). According to theo-democracy, God is equally sovereign as the people represented by an elected assembly that is controlled by religious leaders (Maududi in Lane Redissi 2004: 171). Nevertheless, this concept of theo-democracy, as argued by Lane and Redissi, does not fulfil the essential requirement of democracy as the legitimacy of the Mullahs is not derived from the people but from their insight into the Quran (2004: 171). Maududi himself points out that a democratic Islamic stat e would be a fallacy as the sovereignty of God and sovereignty of the people are mutually exclusive and that an Islamic democracy would be the antithesis of secular Western democracy (Maududi in Bukay 2007). The issue of sovereignty of God and the people is what distinguishes Islam and democracy. The two are completely different sets of ideals that cannot be combined together as only one can take precedence over the other, and when this is done, a country either is a democracy or an Islamic state. Going back to the concept of Shura, many scholars use this concept to show that Islam has similar values to those of democracy. Shura can be defined as the obligation for Muslims in managing their political affairs to engage in mutual consultation (Esposito Voll 2001). Lane and Redissi argue that the effort to find the missing link between Islam and modern democracy is focused upon the possibility of finding a link between the concept of consultation Shura and the key institutions of modern democracy the vote and the participation of the people in relation to the religious elite including the caliph (2004: 170). Ahmad uses the Islamist perspective to argue that the Quran allows Muslims to use Shura and the opportunity of Gods vicegerency to select a Muslim ruler based on the free will of the Muslim masses (2002) pointing out the democratic aspects of the Quran when it comes to choosing a ruler. However, it seems that despite the fact that Shura is the so-called democratic compone nt of Islam, majority of the Muslim world are not democratic thus proving that it is easy to correlate the two (Shura and democracy) as similar entities in theory but in practice, it is not enough to ensure a democratic Muslim-majority state, let alone an Islamic state. As Khan puts it: a democratic theory cannot just emerge by itself from a part of a verse (2006: 158). Apart from Khans two main schools of thought, there is another perspective where in which scholars believe that Islam and democracy are intrinsically incompatible. Sivan suggests that Islam has very little to offer in the realm of politics as after Muhammads death, political history was shaped by circumstances Islamic law had little to no say on constitutional matters (Sivan in Ehteshami 2004: 96). According to Sivan, Sharia does not stand a chance of being the superior law of the land when democracy is implemented thus implying that Islamic fundamentals of politics and democracy cannot coexist without one being more superior to the other thus determining whether a state is either Islamic or democratic, they cannot be both. Furthermore, Maududis argument supports that of Sivans as he claims that an Islamic democracy would be the antithesis of secular Western democracy (Maududi in Bukay 2007). Despite the fact that numerous Muslim activists have rejected the concept of democracy as a western import designed to destroy Islam and the Sharia, there are Muslim and non-Muslim scholars alike that strongly argue that there is no contradiction between Islam and democracy (Ehteshami 2004: 94). Ehteshami claims that Muslim teachings and practices of collective debate, consensus, accountability and transparency, if followed properly, will produce Muslim versions of democratic rule (2004: 94). Nevertheless, he argues that if Islam and democracy were to be seen as two different systems, one of the main differences between an Islamic state and a democracy is the sphere of sovereignty, where in a democratic society sovereignty lies with the people, and in an Islamic state it resides in God (2004: 94). Ahmad argues along the same lines as Ehteshami but uses the Islamist approach claiming that a fundamental difference between the Western and Islamist concept of democracy: the sovereignty o f the people vs. the sovereignty of God or the Shariah (2002). That being said, it is not possible to remove the sovereignty of God and the Sharia and move them to the sidelines of politics within an Islamic state with democracy at the top, because when that happens, an Islamic state is no longer an Islamic state for the reason that the core essence of it has been removed and replaced. When put in this context, it is not feasible for an Islamic state to be democratic. Bukay brings up an interesting argument in relation to the compatibility of Islam and democracy. He claims that some Western scholars maintain the Islamist argument that not only are parliamentary democracy and representative elections congruent with Sharia, but that Islam actually encourages democracy (Bukay 2007). Bukay identifies two ways in which these scholars maintain the above claims: either they twist definitions to make them fit the apparatuses of Islamic government terms such as democracy become relative or they bend the reality in Muslim countries to fit their theories (2007). He points out the phrases used by Esposito and his different co-authors such as democracy has many and varied meanings; every culture will mold an independent model of democratic government; and there can develop a religious democracy (Bukay 2007) proving his above statement true. Having exhausted all the prominent arguments in the general sphere of democracy and Muslim-majority countries, this chapter will now put these arguments into the context of Islamic states specifically. The arguments of political Islamists is one of the few realistic argument that keeps what essentially makes Islamic states Islamic as it does not disregard Sharia as unimportant or unnecessary when it comes to the governance of a Muslim country. Rather it argues the point that for democracy to work within an Islamic state, it is the responsibility of democracy to show that it encompasses Islamic ideals rather than the other way around. The liberal Muslim school of thought is also useful in finding the possibility of Islamic states being democratic as they argue from the point of view that the interpretation of the Quran is what is essential. However, no matter how evident it is in theory that there are possibilities of Islamic states becoming democratic, there is no denying that in pra ctice, not a single Islamic state exists. The non-existence of democratic Islamic states raises a number of important questions: Why are there no democratic Islamic states? Why is it possible for Indonesia and Turkey to be democratic but not Pakistan, Iran or Bahrain? Is Islam the sole, main reason why there are no democratic Islamic states? These questions will be answered in the next two chapters as the next chapter focus primarily on specific case studies of Islamic states, namely Pakistan, Iran, Yemen and Bahrain, where as the fourth chapter deals with democratic and semi-democratic Muslim-majority states, such as Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia and Bangladesh.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Risk Management Failures of British Petroleum

BP is a British global energy company which is the third largest energy company and the fourth largest company in the world. As a multinational oil company, BP is the UK's largest corporation, with its headquarters in St James's, City of Westminster, London. BP America's headquarters is in the One Westlake Park in the Energy Corridor area of Houston, Texas; the company is among the largest private sector energy corporations in the world, and one of the six leaders.In order to project social responsibility and improve its image British Petroleum changed its name into BP in year 2000 with a logo of green and yellow sunflower patterns. Paradoxically the same company symbol is now under derision and the object of controversial attacks from environmentalists and damaging court cases. The company’s predicament further worsened when it was listed as one of the â€Å"ten worst corporations† during the year 2001 and 2006. In fact, BP and its competitors Royal Dutch-Shell were co nsidered by activists to be responsible with the threatening phenomenon of climate change.BP was warned before the oil pipeline leak happened in Alaska, but no action was made by the higher officials to mitigate its possible occurrence and reduce damages. In March 2005, BP's Texas City, Texas refinery, one of its largest refineries, exploded causing 15 deaths, injuring 180 people and forcing thousands of nearby residents to remain sheltered in their homes. A large column filled with hydrocarbon overflowed to form a vapor cloud, which ignited. The explosion caused all the casualties and substantial damage to the rest of the plant.The incident came as the culmination of a series of less serious accidents at the refinery, and the engineering problems were not addressed by the management. Maintenance and safety at the plant had been cut as a cost-saving measure, the responsibility ultimately resting with executives in London. The fall-out from the accident continues to cloud BP's corpor ate image because of the mismanagement at the plant. There have been several investigations of the disaster, the most recent being that from the U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board which offered a derisive evaluation of the company.The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation and said management failures could be traced from Texas to London. The company pleaded guilty to a felony violation of the Clean Air Act, was fined $50 million, and sentenced to three years probation. On October 30, 2009, OSHA fined BP an additional $87 million— the largest fine in OSHA history— for failing to correct safety hazards revealed in the 2005 explosion. Inspectors found 270 safety violations that had been previously cited but not fixed and 439 new violations.BP is appealing that fine. In August 2006, BP shut down oil operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, due to corrosion in pipe lines leading up to the Alaska Pipeline. The wells were leaking insulating agent called Arctic pack, consisting of crude oil and diesel fuel, between the wells and ice. BP had spilled over one million liters of oil in Alaska's North Slope. This corrosion is caused by sediment collecting in the bottom of the pipe, protecting corrosive bacteria from chemicals sent through the pipeline to fight this bacteria.There are estimates that about 5000 barrels (790 m3) of oil were released from the pipeline. To date 1513 barrels (240. 5 m3) of liquids, about 5200 cubic yards (4000 m3) of soiled snow and 328 cubic yards (251 m3) of soiled gravel have been recovered. After approval from the DOT, only the eastern portion of the field was shut down, resulting in a reduction of 200000 barrels per day (32000 m3/d) until work began to bring the eastern field to full production on 2 October 2006.In May 2007, the company announced another partial field shutdown owing to leaks of water at a separation pl ant. Their action was interpreted as another example of fallout from a decision to cut maintenance of the pipeline and associated facilities. On 16 October 2007 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation officials reported a toxic spill of methanol (methyl alcohol) at the Prudhoe Bay oil field managed by BP PLC. Nearly 2,000 gallons of mostly methanol, mixed with some crude oil and water, spilled onto a frozen tundra pond as well as a gravel pad from a pipeline.Methanol, which is poisonous to plants and animals, is used to clear ice from the insides of the Arctic-based pipelines. From January 2006 to January 2008, three workers were killed at the company's Texas City, Texas refinery in three separate accidents. In July 2006 a worker was crushed between a pipe stack and mechanical lift, in June 2007, a worker was electrocuted, and in January 2008, a worker was killed by a 500-pound piece of metal that came loose under high pressure and hit him.On April 1 2009, a Bond Offshore He licopters Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma ferrying workers from BP's platform in the Miller oilfield in the North Sea off Scotland crashed in good weather killing all 16 on board. On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The rig is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd on behalf of BP, which is the majority owner of the oil field.The company originally estimated the size of the leak at about 1,000 barrels a day but later accepted government estimates of a leak of at least 5000 barrels per day. On April 30, BP stated that it would harness all of its resources to battle the oil spill, spending $7 million a day with its partners to try to contain the disaster. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producin g nations, Brazil and Norway, as a last resort protection against underwater spills. The use of such devices is not mandated by U.S. regulators. The U. S. Government gave the responsibility of the incident to BP and will hold it accountable for costs incurred in containing the situation. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a hearing regarding the oil spill. When probed for answers regarding the events leading up to the explosion, each company blamed the other. BP blamed Transocean who owned the rig, who then blamed the operators of the rig, BP. They also blamed Halliburton, who built the well casing.Coming to analyze BP's risk management, it is noted first that BP organization employs the systems of centralized direction and decentralized implementation. The centralized direction system was designed to attain business goals and objectives. The company unifies the corporation by implementing strategic objectives, values, behaviors and standards to be performed and easily understood by their people. On the other hand the systematic objective of BP is decentralized implementation of its operations in order to deliver the best quality of products or services and satisfy the needs of the consumers.The decentralized implementation covered three business segments namely: Exploration and Production, The Gas, Power and Renewable and Refining and Market. As is well known, procedures and controls are a necessary condition for effective risk management, but not a sufficient one. A company’s standards and processes will fail if employees do not feel empowered to follow the standards during times of stress or they fear retaliation for reporting â€Å"unwanted† information. Reading the report of BP and other esources at my disposal I have found that how parts of BP’s culture may have tolerated shortened safety procedures as they fell behind investment schedules and other deadlines. For example, the compan y cut short a procedure involving drilling fluid that is designed to detect gas in the well and skipped a quality test of the cement around the pipe (another buffer against gas) despite BP’s report finding that there were signs of problems with the cement job and despite a warning from the cement contractor company.The experts also concluded that there was not a strong culture of communication across its own team leaders and partner companies. Having multiple players can restrict access to critical knowledge and slow decision-making processes to a dangerous point. Nor did there appear to be a culture where managers were expected to seek out or share contrary information from a different perspective. These cultural elements allowed issues to continue without the application of comprehensive expertise.It seems to be necessary adding more controls, more checks and balances, with auditable risk management processes new minimum standards, and increased self-audits. While some crit eria and thresholds did not exist prior to the accident, it is unclear whether the lack of these controls and audit mechanisms directly caused the accident itself Companies are not able to entirely shift operational or reputational risk to a partner, subcontractor, or supplier. Presumably, BP had in place significant and comprehensive controls and contractual requirements for its contractors and other service providers.However, questions remain about whether these contractual requirements were actually implemented, assessed, and monitored by BP. Anyway, risk management referred to in this paper are the activities related to managing an organization that integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment, developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using managerial resources. Its primary objective is to reduce the different risks related to threats caused by environment, technology, humans, organizations and politics.Firms usually formulate strategies in order to manage o r mitigate risk by transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. BP must apply risk management in its corporate financing as the technique for measuring, monitoring and controlling the financial or operational risk on the firm. The commonly used framework breaks risks into market risk (price risk), credit risk and operational risk and also specifies methods for calculating capital requirements for each of these components.In enterprise risk management, a risk is defined as a possible event or circumstance that can have negative influences on the survival of a company. Its impact can be on the very existence, the resources (human and capital), the products and services, or the customers of the enterprise, as well as external impacts on society, markets, or the environment. In a financial institution, enterprise risk management is normally thought of as the combin ation of credit risk, interest rate risk or asset liability management, market risk, and operational risk.All risks can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all organizations have to accept some level of residual risks. In the case of BP, the following must also be undertaken in addition and consideration of those discussed above. Firstly, it is of major importance to planning how risk management will be conducted must be undertaken: in this regard the plan must include risk management tasks, responsibilities, activities and budget.Secondly, managers responsible for BP will assign a risk officer who will be responsible for foreseeing potential problems. In this respect, it is important also to maintain the risk database and each risk should have an opening date, a title, a brief description, a probability and a suggestion of importance. Once potential sources of risk have been identified, it will also need preparing a p lan for reducing the risk (mitigation plan) for risks that are chosen to be mitigated.In this regard, it is well known that the purpose of the mitigation plan is to describe how this particular risk will be handled what, when, by who and how will it be done to avoid it or minimize consequences if it becomes a liability. BP, in a perspective of reducing the risks described above in the long run as well as in order to optimize and reduce the resources used for that purpose, must eventually summarizing planned and faced risks, effectiveness of mitigation activities, and effort spent for the risk management. Risk Management Failures of British Petroleum BP is a British global energy company which is the third largest energy company and the fourth largest company in the world. As a multinational oil company, BP is the UK's largest corporation, with its headquarters in St James's, City of Westminster, London. BP America's headquarters is in the One Westlake Park in the Energy Corridor area of Houston, Texas; the company is among the largest private sector energy corporations in the world, and one of the six leaders.In order to project social responsibility and improve its image British Petroleum changed its name into BP in year 2000 with a logo of green and yellow sunflower patterns. Paradoxically the same company symbol is now under derision and the object of controversial attacks from environmentalists and damaging court cases. The company’s predicament further worsened when it was listed as one of the â€Å"ten worst corporations† during the year 2001 and 2006. In fact, BP and its competitors Royal Dutch-Shell were co nsidered by activists to be responsible with the threatening phenomenon of climate change.BP was warned before the oil pipeline leak happened in Alaska, but no action was made by the higher officials to mitigate its possible occurrence and reduce damages. In March 2005, BP's Texas City, Texas refinery, one of its largest refineries, exploded causing 15 deaths, injuring 180 people and forcing thousands of nearby residents to remain sheltered in their homes. A large column filled with hydrocarbon overflowed to form a vapor cloud, which ignited. The explosion caused all the casualties and substantial damage to the rest of the plant.The incident came as the culmination of a series of less serious accidents at the refinery, and the engineering problems were not addressed by the management. Maintenance and safety at the plant had been cut as a cost-saving measure, the responsibility ultimately resting with executives in London. The fall-out from the accident continues to cloud BP's corpor ate image because of the mismanagement at the plant. There have been several investigations of the disaster, the most recent being that from the U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board which offered a derisive evaluation of the company.The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation and said management failures could be traced from Texas to London. The company pleaded guilty to a felony violation of the Clean Air Act, was fined $50 million, and sentenced to three years probation. On October 30, 2009, OSHA fined BP an additional $87 million— the largest fine in OSHA history— for failing to correct safety hazards revealed in the 2005 explosion. Inspectors found 270 safety violations that had been previously cited but not fixed and 439 new violations.BP is appealing that fine. In August 2006, BP shut down oil operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, due to corrosion in pipe lines leading up to the Alaska Pipeline. The wells were leaking insulating agent called Arctic pack, consisting of crude oil and diesel fuel, between the wells and ice. BP had spilled over one million liters of oil in Alaska's North Slope. This corrosion is caused by sediment collecting in the bottom of the pipe, protecting corrosive bacteria from chemicals sent through the pipeline to fight this bacteria.There are estimates that about 5000 barrels (790 m3) of oil were released from the pipeline. To date 1513 barrels (240. 5 m3) of liquids, about 5200 cubic yards (4000 m3) of soiled snow and 328 cubic yards (251 m3) of soiled gravel have been recovered. After approval from the DOT, only the eastern portion of the field was shut down, resulting in a reduction of 200000 barrels per day (32000 m3/d) until work began to bring the eastern field to full production on 2 October 2006.In May 2007, the company announced another partial field shutdown owing to leaks of water at a separation pl ant. Their action was interpreted as another example of fallout from a decision to cut maintenance of the pipeline and associated facilities. On 16 October 2007 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation officials reported a toxic spill of methanol (methyl alcohol) at the Prudhoe Bay oil field managed by BP PLC. Nearly 2,000 gallons of mostly methanol, mixed with some crude oil and water, spilled onto a frozen tundra pond as well as a gravel pad from a pipeline.Methanol, which is poisonous to plants and animals, is used to clear ice from the insides of the Arctic-based pipelines. From January 2006 to January 2008, three workers were killed at the company's Texas City, Texas refinery in three separate accidents. In July 2006 a worker was crushed between a pipe stack and mechanical lift, in June 2007, a worker was electrocuted, and in January 2008, a worker was killed by a 500-pound piece of metal that came loose under high pressure and hit him.On April 1 2009, a Bond Offshore He licopters Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma ferrying workers from BP's platform in the Miller oilfield in the North Sea off Scotland crashed in good weather killing all 16 on board. On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The rig is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd on behalf of BP, which is the majority owner of the oil field.The company originally estimated the size of the leak at about 1,000 barrels a day but later accepted government estimates of a leak of at least 5000 barrels per day. On April 30, BP stated that it would harness all of its resources to battle the oil spill, spending $7 million a day with its partners to try to contain the disaster. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producin g nations, Brazil and Norway, as a last resort protection against underwater spills. The use of such devices is not mandated by U.S. regulators. The U. S. Government gave the responsibility of the incident to BP and will hold it accountable for costs incurred in containing the situation. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a hearing regarding the oil spill. When probed for answers regarding the events leading up to the explosion, each company blamed the other. BP blamed Transocean who owned the rig, who then blamed the operators of the rig, BP. They also blamed Halliburton, who built the well casing.Coming to analyze BP's risk management, it is noted first that BP organization employs the systems of centralized direction and decentralized implementation. The centralized direction system was designed to attain business goals and objectives. The company unifies the corporation by implementing strategic objectives, values, behaviors and standards to be performed and easily understood by their people. On the other hand the systematic objective of BP is decentralized implementation of its operations in order to deliver the best quality of products or services and satisfy the needs of the consumers.The decentralized implementation covered three business segments namely: Exploration and Production, The Gas, Power and Renewable and Refining and Market. As is well known, procedures and controls are a necessary condition for effective risk management, but not a sufficient one. A company’s standards and processes will fail if employees do not feel empowered to follow the standards during times of stress or they fear retaliation for reporting â€Å"unwanted† information. Reading the report of BP and other esources at my disposal I have found that how parts of BP’s culture may have tolerated shortened safety procedures as they fell behind investment schedules and other deadlines. For example, the compan y cut short a procedure involving drilling fluid that is designed to detect gas in the well and skipped a quality test of the cement around the pipe (another buffer against gas) despite BP’s report finding that there were signs of problems with the cement job and despite a warning from the cement contractor company.The experts also concluded that there was not a strong culture of communication across its own team leaders and partner companies. Having multiple players can restrict access to critical knowledge and slow decision-making processes to a dangerous point. Nor did there appear to be a culture where managers were expected to seek out or share contrary information from a different perspective. These cultural elements allowed issues to continue without the application of comprehensive expertise.It seems to be necessary adding more controls, more checks and balances, with auditable risk management processes new minimum standards, and increased self-audits. While some crit eria and thresholds did not exist prior to the accident, it is unclear whether the lack of these controls and audit mechanisms directly caused the accident itself Companies are not able to entirely shift operational or reputational risk to a partner, subcontractor, or supplier. Presumably, BP had in place significant and comprehensive controls and contractual requirements for its contractors and other service providers.However, questions remain about whether these contractual requirements were actually implemented, assessed, and monitored by BP. Anyway, risk management referred to in this paper are the activities related to managing an organization that integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment, developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using managerial resources. Its primary objective is to reduce the different risks related to threats caused by environment, technology, humans, organizations and politics.Firms usually formulate strategies in order to manage o r mitigate risk by transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. BP must apply risk management in its corporate financing as the technique for measuring, monitoring and controlling the financial or operational risk on the firm. The commonly used framework breaks risks into market risk (price risk), credit risk and operational risk and also specifies methods for calculating capital requirements for each of these components.In enterprise risk management, a risk is defined as a possible event or circumstance that can have negative influences on the survival of a company. Its impact can be on the very existence, the resources (human and capital), the products and services, or the customers of the enterprise, as well as external impacts on society, markets, or the environment. In a financial institution, enterprise risk management is normally thought of as the combin ation of credit risk, interest rate risk or asset liability management, market risk, and operational risk.All risks can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all organizations have to accept some level of residual risks. In the case of BP, the following must also be undertaken in addition and consideration of those discussed above. Firstly, it is of major importance to planning how risk management will be conducted must be undertaken: in this regard the plan must include risk management tasks, responsibilities, activities and budget.Secondly, managers responsible for BP will assign a risk officer who will be responsible for foreseeing potential problems. In this respect, it is important also to maintain the risk database and each risk should have an opening date, a title, a brief description, a probability and a suggestion of importance. Once potential sources of risk have been identified, it will also need preparing a p lan for reducing the risk (mitigation plan) for risks that are chosen to be mitigated.In this regard, it is well known that the purpose of the mitigation plan is to describe how this particular risk will be handled what, when, by who and how will it be done to avoid it or minimize consequences if it becomes a liability. BP, in a perspective of reducing the risks described above in the long run as well as in order to optimize and reduce the resources used for that purpose, must eventually summarizing planned and faced risks, effectiveness of mitigation activities, and effort spent for the risk management.